Harvard MRSEC Publications, 2024 (DMR-2011754)

IRG 1: Programmed Multiscale and Multi-Material Control of Functional Soft Matter

  1. Primary MRSEC support (IRG1)

    1. Kotikian, A., A.A. Watkins, G. Bordiga, A. Spielberg, Z.S. Davidson, K. Bertoldi, and J. Lewis, "Liquid Crystal Elastomer Lattices with Thermally Programmable Deformation via Multi-Material 3D Printing," Advanced Materials 36 (34) 2310743-9 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window Code is available on GitHub in new window
  2. Partial MRSEC support (IRG1)

    1. Ford, M.J., D.H. Porcincula, R. Telles, J.A. Mancini, Y. Wang, M.H. Rizvi, C.K. Loeb, B.D. Moran, J.B. Tracy, J.A. Lewis, S. Yang, E. Lee, and C.C. Cook, "Movement with light: Photoresponsive shape morphing of printed liquid crystal elastomers," Matter 7 (3), 1207-1229 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window

IRG 2: Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Mechanically Soft Systems

  1. Primary MRSEC support (IRG2)

    1. Cochard, T., I. Svetlizky, G. Albertini, R.C. Viesca, S.M. Rubinstein, F. Spaepen, C. Yuan, M. Denolle, Y.Q. Song, L. Xiao, and D.A. Weitz, "Propagation of extended fractures by local nucleation and rapid transverse expansion of crack-front distortion," Nature Physics 20, 660-665 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window Code is available on GitHub in new window
    2. Duschatko, B.R., J. Vandermause, N. Molinari, and B. Kozinsky, "Uncertainty driven active learning of coarse-grained free energy models," npj Computational Materials 10 (9), 1-12 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    3. Hanakata, P.Z., S.S. Bhabesh, D. Yllanes, D.R. Nelson, and M.J. Bowick, "Vibrations and transitions across barrier of strained nanoribbons at finite temperature," Physical Review Materials 8 (1), 016001-14 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Seo, J., R. Ukani, J. Zheng, J.D. Braun, S. Wang, F.E. Chen, H.K. Kim, S. Zhang, C. Tahi, R.D. McGilicuddy, H. Yan, J.J. Vlassak, and J.A. Mason, "Barocaloric effects in dialkylammonium halide salts," Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (4), 2736-2747 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and crystallographic data for this work is available.
  2. Partial MRSEC support (IRG2)

    1. Haney, B., T. Cochard, A. Julien, J. Wu, R. Davis, L. Xiao, D.A. Weitz, and Y.Q. Song, "Oil ganglia mobility enhancement by droplet formation for surfactant flooding in porous media," Transport in Porous Media 151 585-597 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window


  1. Primary MRSEC support (Seeds/Initiatives)

    1. Le Floch, P., S. Zhao, R. Liu, N. Molinari, E. Medina, H. Shen, Z. Wang, J. Kim, H. Sheng, S. Partarrieu, W. Wang, C. Sessler, G. Zhang, H. Park, X. Gong, A. Spencer, J. Lee, T. Ye, X. Tang, X. Wang, K. Bertoldi, N. Lu, B. Kozinsky, Z. Suo, and J. Liu, "3D spatiotemporally scalable in vivo neural probes based on fluorinated elastomers," Nature Nanotechnology 19, 319-329 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
  2. Partial MRSEC support (Seeds/Initiatives)

    1. Nerger, B.A., S. Sinha, N.N. Lee, M. Cheriyan. P. Bertsch, C.P. Johnson, L. Mahadevan, J.V. Bonventre, and D.J. Mooney, "3D Hydrogel encapsulation regulates Nephrogenesis in kidney organoids," Advanced Materials 36 (14), 2308325-16 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    2. Tringides, C.M. and D.J. Mooney, "Conductive hydrogel scaffolds for the 3D localization and orientation of fibroblasts," Macromolecular Bioscience 24 (1), 2300044-9 (2024) open doi in new window open pdf in new window