Harvard MRSEC Publications, 2016 (DMR-1420570)
IRG 1: Mechanics of Soft Materials under Large Deformation
Primary MRSEC support (IRG1)
- Wang, X., S.A. Koehler, J.N. Wilking, N.N. Sinha, M.T. Cabeen, S. Srinivasan, A. Seminara, S. Rubinstein, Q. Sun, M.P. Brenner, and D.A. Weitz, "Probing phenotypic growth in expanding Bacillus subtilis biofilms," Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100 (10), 4607-4615 (2016)
- Yamaguchi, T., Y. Sawae, and S.M. Rubinstein, "Effects of loading angles on stick-slip dynamics of soft sliders," Extreme Mechanics Letters 9, 331-335 (2016)
- Brassart, L., Q. Liu, and Z. Suo, "Shear, dilation, and swap: Mixing in the limit of fast diffusion," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 96, 48-64 (2016)
- Illeperuma, W.R.K., P. Rothemund, Z. Suo, and J.J. Vlassak, "Fire-resistant hydrogel-fabric laminates: A simple concept that may save lives," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (3), 2071-2077 (2016)
- Tang, J., J. Li, J.J. Vlassak, and Z. Suo, "Adhesion between highly stretchable materials," Soft Matter 12 (4), 1093-1099 (2016)
- Wang, X., S.A. Koehler, J.N. Wilking, N.N. Sinha, M.T. Cabeen, S. Srinivasan, A. Seminara, S. Rubinstein, Q. Sun, M.P. Brenner, and D.A. Weitz, "Probing phenotypic growth in expanding Bacillus subtilis biofilms," Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100 (10), 4607-4615 (2016)
Partial MRSEC support (IRG1)
- Jeon, I., J. Cui, W.R.K. Illeperuma, J. Aizenberg, and J.J. Vlassak, "Extremely stretchable and fast self-healing hydrogels," Advanced Materials 28 (23), 4678-4683 (2016)
- Park, K.-C., P. Kim, A. Grinthal, N. He, D. Fox, J.C. Weaver, and J. Aizenberg, "Condensation on slippery asymmetric bumps," Nature 531 (7592), 78-82 (2016)
- Sunny, S., G. Cheng, D. Daniel, P. Lo, S. Ochoa, C. Howell, N. Vogel, A. Majid, and J. Aizenberg, "Transparent antifouling material for improved operative field visibility in endoscopy," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (42), 11676-11681 (2016)
- Marbach, S., K. Alim, N. Andrew, A. Pringle, and M.P. Brenner, "Pruning to increase Taylor dispersion in physarum polycephalum networks," Physical Review Letters 117 (17), 178103-5 (2016)
- Zwicker, D., A. Murugan, and M.P. Brenner, "Receptor arrays optimized for natural odor statistics," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (20), 5570-5575 (2016)
- Jensen, K.H., K. Berg-Sørensen, H. Bruus, N.M. Holbrook, J. Liesche, A. Schulz, M.A. Zwieniecki, and T. Bohr, "Sap flow and sugar transport in plants," Reviews of Modern Physics 88 (3), 035007-63 (2016)
- Carlson, A. and L. Mahadevan, "Similarity and singularity in adhesive elastohydrodynamic touchdown," Physics of Fluids 28 (1), 011702 (2016)
- Chung, J.Y., I. Regev, and L. Mahadevan, "Spontaneous exfoliation of a drying gel," Soft Matter 12 (37), 7855-7862 (2016)
- Saintyves, B., T. Jules, T. Salez, and L. Mahadevan, "Self-sustained lift and low friction via soft lubrication," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (21), 5847-5849 (2016)
- Wei, Z. and L. Mahadevan, "A geometric model for the periodic undulation of a confined adhesive crack," Soft Matter 12 (6), 1778-1782 (2016)
- Xu, B.B., Q. Liu, Z. Suo, and R.C. Hayward, "Reversible electrochemically triggered delamination blistering of hydrogel films on micropatterned electrodes," Advanced Functional Materials 26 (19), 3218-3225 (2016)
- Jeon, I., J. Cui, W.R.K. Illeperuma, J. Aizenberg, and J.J. Vlassak, "Extremely stretchable and fast self-healing hydrogels," Advanced Materials 28 (23), 4678-4683 (2016)
IRG 2: Digital Assembly of Soft Materials
Primary MRSEC support (IRG2)
- Hu, Y., You, J.-O., and J. Aizenberg, "Micropatterned hydrogel surface with high-aspect-ratio features for cell guidance and tissue growth," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (34), 21939-21945 (2016)
- Phillips, K.R., G.T. England, S. Sunny, E. Shirman, T. Shirman, N. Vogel, and J. Aizenberg, "A colloidoscope of colloid-based porous materials and their uses," Chemical Society Reviews 45 (2), 281-322 (2016)
- Amstad, E., M. Chemama, M. Eggersdorfer, L.R. Arriaga, M.P. Brenner, and D.A. Weitz, "Robust scalable high throughput production of monodisperse drops," Lab on a Chip 16 (21), 4163-4172 (2016)
- Gladman, Sydney A., E.A. Matsumoto, R.G. Nuzzo, L. Mahadevan, and J.A. Lewis, "Biomimetic 4D printing," Nature Materials 15, 413-418 (2016)
- Wang, A., R.F. Garmann, and V.N. Manoharan, "Tracking E. coli runs and tumbles with scattering solutions and digital holographic microscopy," Optics Express 24 (21), 23719-23725 (2016)
- Wang, A., R. McGorty, D.M. Kaz, and V.N. Manoharan, "Contact-line pinning controls how quickly colloidal particles equilibrate with liquid interfaces," Soft Matter 12 (43), 8958-8967 (2016)
- Beller, D.A. and D.R. Nelson, "Plastic deformation of tubular crystals by dislocation glide," Physical Review E 94 (3), 033004-17 (2016)
- Amstad, E., F. Spaepen, and D.A. Weitz, "Stabilization of the amorphous structure of spray-dried drug nanoparticles," The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (34), 9161-9165 (2016)
- Massenburg, S.S., E. Amstad, and D.A. Weitz, "Clogging in parallelized tapered microfluidic channels," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 20 (6), 1-5 (2016)
- Hu, Y., You, J.-O., and J. Aizenberg, "Micropatterned hydrogel surface with high-aspect-ratio features for cell guidance and tissue growth," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (34), 21939-21945 (2016)
Partial MRSEC support (IRG2)
- Huntley, M.H., A. Murugan, and M.P. Brenner, "Information capacity of specific interactions," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (21), 5841-5846 (2016)
- Perkinson, J.C., M.J. Aziz, M.P. Brenner, and M. Holmes-Cerfon, "Designing steep, sharp patterns on uniformly ion-bombarded surfaces," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (41), 11425-11430 (2016)
- Tanaka, H., Z. Zeravcic, and M.P. Brenner, "Mutation at expanding front of self-replicating colloidal clusters," Physical Review Letters 117 (23), 238004-6 (2016)
- Goldfain, A.M., R.F. Garmann, Y. Jin, Y. Lahini, and V.N. Manoharan, "Dynamic measurements of the position, orientation, and DNA content of individual unlabeled bacteriophages," The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (26), 6130-6138 (2016)
- Perry, R.W. and V.N. Manoharan, "Segregation of 'isotope' particles within colloidal molecules," Soft Matter 12 (11), 2868-2876 (2016)
- Rahmani, A.M., A. Wang, V.N. Manoharan, and C.E. Colosqui, "Colloidal particle adsorption at liquid interfaces: Capillary driven dynamics and thermally activated kinetics," Soft Matter 12 (30), 6365-6372 (2016)
- Zhang, L., L.-H. Cai, P.S. Lienemann, T. Rossow, I. Polenz, Q. Vallmajo-Martin, M. Ehrbar, H. Na, D.J. Mooney, and D.A. Weitz, "One-step microfluidic fabrication of polyelectrolyte microcapsules in aqueous conditions for protein release," Angewandte Chemie 128 (43), 13668-13672 (2016)
- Chen, Q., S. Utech, D. Chen, R. Prodanovic, J.-M. Lin, and D.A. Weitz, "Controlled assembly of heterotypic cells in a core-shell scaffold: Organ in a droplet," Lab on a Chip 16 (8), 1346-1349 (2016)
- Choi, C.H., H. Lee, A. Abbaspourrad, J.H. Kim, J. Fan, M. Caggioni, C. Wesner, T. Zhu, and D.A. Weitz, "Triple emulsion drops with an ultrathin water layer: High encapsulation efficiency and enhanced cargo retention in microcapsules," Advanced Materials 28 (17), 3340-3344 (2016)
- do Nascimento, D.F., L.R. Arriaga, M. Eggersdorfer, R. Ziblat, M.d.F.V. Marques, F. Reynaud, S.A. Koehler, and D.A. Weitz, "Microfluidic fabrication of pluronic vesicles with controlled permeability," Langmuir 32 (21), 5350-5355 (2016)
- Lee, H., C.H. Choi, A. Abbaspourrad, C. Wesner, M. Caggioni, T. Zhu, and D.A. Weitz, "Encapsulation and enhanced retention of fragrance in polymer microcapsules," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 4007-4013 (2016)
- Ofner, A., D.G. Moore, P.A. Rühs, P. Schwendimann, M. Eggersdorfer, E. Amstad, D.A. Weitz, and A.R. Studart, "High-throughput step emulsification for the production of functional materials using a glass microfluidic device," Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 218 (2), 1600472-10 (2016)
- Xu, Z., X. Huang, P. Wang, H. Wang, and D.A. Weitz, "Optimization and development of a universal flow-based microfluidic gradient generator," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 20 (6), 1-10 (2016)
- Huntley, M.H., A. Murugan, and M.P. Brenner, "Information capacity of specific interactions," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (21), 5841-5846 (2016)
IRG 3: Controlling and Using Instabilities in Soft, Elastic Materials: Melded-Function, Non-Linear, Devices
Primary MRSEC support (IRG3)
- Yang, D., L. Jin, R.V. Martinez, K. Bertoldi, G.M. Whitesides, and Z. Suo, "Phase-transforming and switchable metamaterials," Extreme Mechanics Letters 6, 1-9 (2016)
- Huang, J., J. Yang, L. Jin, D.R. Clarke, and Z. Suo, "Pattern formation in plastic liquid films on elastomers by ratcheting," Soft Matter 12 (16), 3820-3827 (2016)
- Raney, J.R., N. Nadkarni, C. Daraio, D.M. Kochmann, J.A. Lewis, and K. Bertoldi, "Stable propagation of mechanical signals in soft media using stored elastic energy," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (35), 9722-9727 (2016)
- Overvelde, J.T.B., T.A. de Jong, Y. Shevchenko, S.A. Becerra, G.M. Whitesides, J.C. Weaver, C. Hoberman, and K. Bertoldi, "A three-dimensional actuated origami-inspired transformable metamaterial with multiple degrees of freedom," Nature Communications 7 (10929), 1-8 (2016)
- Wehner, M., R.L. Truby, D.J. Fitzgerald, B. Mosadegh, G.M. Whitesides, J.A. Lewis, and R.J. Wood, "An integrated design and fabrication strategy for entirely soft, autonomous robots," Nature 536 (7617), 451-455 (2016)
- Duduta, M., R.J. Wood, and D.R. Clarke, "Multilayer dielectric elastomers for fast, programmable actuation without prestretch," Advanced Materials 28 (36), 8058-8063 (2016)
- Yang, D., L. Jin, R.V. Martinez, K. Bertoldi, G.M. Whitesides, and Z. Suo, "Phase-transforming and switchable metamaterials," Extreme Mechanics Letters 6, 1-9 (2016)
Partial MRSEC support (IRG3)
- Babaee, S., J.T.B. Overvelde, E.R. Chen, V. Tournat, and K. Bertoldi, "Reconfigurable origami-inspired acoustic waveguides," Science Advances 2 (11), e1601019-7 (2016)
- Babaee, S., N. Viard, P. Wang, N.X. Fang, and K. Bertoldi, "Harnessing deformation to switch on and off the propagation of sound," Advanced Materials 28 (8), 1631-1635 (2016)
- Javid, F., J. Liu, J. Shim, J.C. Weaver, A. Shanian, and K. Bertoldi, "Mechanics of instability-induced pattern transformations in elastomeric porous cylinders," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 96, 1-17 (2016)
- Javid, F., P. Wang, A. Shanian, and K. Bertoldi, "Architected materials with ultra-low porosity for vibration control," Advanced Materials 28 (20), 5943-5948 (2016)
- Liu, J., T. Gu, S. Shan, S.H. Kang, J.C. Weaver, and K. Bertoldi, "Harnessing buckling to design architected materials that exhibit effective negative swelling," Advanced Materials 28 (31), 6619-6624 (2016)
- Overvelde, J.T.B., D.M.J. Dykstra, R. de Rooij, J. Weaver, and K. Bertoldi, "Tensile instability in a thick elastic body," Physical Review Letters 117 (9), 094301-6 (2016)
- Taylor, M., I. Gözen, S. Patel, A. Jesorka, and K. Bertoldi, "Peridynamic modeling of ruptures in biomembranes," PLOS ONE 11 (11), e0165947 (2016)
- Zárate, Y., S. Babaee, S.H. Kang, D.N. Neshev, I.V. Shadrivov, K. Bertoldi, and D.A. Powell, "Elastic metamaterials for tuning circular polarization of electromagnetic waves," Scientific Reports 6 (28273), 1-8 (2016)
- Shian, S. and D.R. Clarke, "Electrical tunable window device," Optics Letters 41 (6), 1289-1292 (2016)
- Shian, S. and D.R. Clarke, "Electrically-tunable surface deformation of a soft elastomer," Soft Matter 12 (13), 3137-3141 (2016)
- Capulli, A.K., L.A. MacQueen, B.B. O'Connor, S. Dauth, and K.K. Parker, "Acute pergolide exposure stiffens engineered valve interstitial cell tissues and reduces contractility in vitro," Cardiovascular Pathology 25 (4), 316-324 (2016)
- Capulli, A.K., L.A. MacQueen, S.P. Sheehy, and K.K. Parker, "Fibrous scaffolds for building hearts and heart parts," Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 96, 83-102 (2016)
- Kujala, V.J., F.S. Pasqualini, J.A. Goss, J.C. Nawroth, and K.K. Parker, "Laminar ventricular myocardium on a microelectrode array-based chip," Journal of Materials Chemistry B 4 (20), 3534-3543 (2016)
- Dudte, L.H., E. Vouga, T. Tachi, and L. Mahadevan, "Programming curvature using origami tessellations," Nature Materials 15, 583-588 (2016)
- Park, S.J., M. Gazzola, K.S. Park, S. Park, V. Di Santo, E.L. Blevins, J.U. Lind, P.H. Campbell, S. Dauth, A.K. Capulli, F.S. Pasqualini, S. Ahn, A. Cho, H. Yuan, B.M. Maoz, R. Vijaykumar, J.-W. Choi, K. Deisseroth, G.V. Lauder, L. Mahadevan, and K.K. Parker, "Phototactic guidance of a tissue-engineered soft-robotic ray," Science 353 (6295), 158-162 (2016)
- Yang, C.H., B. Chen, J. Zhou, Y.M. Chen, and Z. Suo, "Electroluminescence of giant stretchability," Advanced Materials 28 (22), 4480-4484 (2016)
- Gonidec, M., M.M. Hamedi, A. Nemiroski, L.M. Rubio, C. Torres, and G.M. Whitesides, "Fabrication of nonperiodic metasurfaces by microlens projection lithography," Nano Letters 16 (7), 4125-4132 (2016)
- Hamedi, M.M., V.E. Campbell, P. Rothemund, F. Güder, D.C. Christodouleas, J.F. Bloch, and G.M. Whitesides, "Electrically activated paper actuators," Advanced Functional Materials 26 (15), 2446-2453 (2016)
- Babaee, S., J.T.B. Overvelde, E.R. Chen, V. Tournat, and K. Bertoldi, "Reconfigurable origami-inspired acoustic waveguides," Science Advances 2 (11), e1601019-7 (2016)
Primary MRSEC support (Seed)
There were no primary supported Seed publications citing the Harvard MRSEC (DMR-1420570) during 2016.
Partial MRSEC support (Seed)
- Lee, D., B. Zhao, E. Perim, H. Zhang, P. Gong, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, C. Toher, S. Curtarolo, J. Schroers, and J.J. Vlassak, "Crystallization behavior upon heating and cooling in Cu50Zr50 metallic glass thin films," Acta Materialia 121, 68-77 (2016)
- Perim, E., D. Lee, Y. Liu, C. Toher, P. Gong, Y. Li, W.N. Simmons, O. Levy, J.J. Vlassak, and J. Schroers, "Spectral descriptors for bulk metallic glasses based on the thermodynamics of competing crystalline phases," Nature Communications 7 (12315), (2016)
- Lee, D., B. Zhao, E. Perim, H. Zhang, P. Gong, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, C. Toher, S. Curtarolo, J. Schroers, and J.J. Vlassak, "Crystallization behavior upon heating and cooling in Cu50Zr50 metallic glass thin films," Acta Materialia 121, 68-77 (2016)