Harvard MRSEC Publications, 2023 (DMR-2011754)

IRG 1: Programmed Multiscale and Multi-Material Control of Functional Soft Matter

  1. Primary MRSEC support (IRG1)

    1. Brandt, S., I. Pavlichenko, A.V. Shneidman, H. Patel, A. Tripp, T.S.B. Wong, S. Lazaro, E. Thompson, A. Maltz, T. Storwick, H. Beggs, K. Szendrei-Temesi, B.V. Lotsch, C.N. Kaplan, C.W. Visser, M.P. Brenner, V.N. Murthy, and J. Aizenberg, "Nonequilibrium sensing of volatile compounds using active and passive analyte delivery," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (31), e2303928120-10 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window
    2. Choi, S., K.Y. Lee, S.L. Kim, L.A. MacQueen, H. Chang, J.F. Zimmerman, Q. Jin, M.M. Peters, H.A.M. Ardoña, X. Liu, A.C. Heiler, R. Gabardi, C. Richardson, W.T. Pu, A.R. Bausch, and K.K. Parker, "Fibre-infused gel scaffolds guide cardiomyocyte alignment in 3D-printed ventricles," Nature Materials 22 (8), 1039-1046 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on figshare in new window
    3. Huo, M., J.G. Hu, and D.R. Clarke, "Covalent adaptable networks with rapid UV response based on reversible Thiol-ene reactions in silicone elastomers," Macromolecules 56 (22), 9107-9116 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Kim, J.H., L. Jin, B.C. Schafer, Q. Jiao, K. Bertoldi, D.W. Keith, and J.J. Vlassak, "Ultralight and ultra-stiff nano-cardboard panels: Mechanical analysis, characterization, and design principles," Acta Materialia 248, 118782-19 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window
    5. Larson, N.M., J. Mueller, A. Chortos, Z.S. Davidson, D.R. Clarke, and J.A. Lewis, "Rotational multimaterial printing of filaments with subvoxel control," Nature 613 (7945), 682-688 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    6. Lemaire, B., Y. Yu, N. Molinari, H. Wu, Z.A.H. Goodwin, F. Stricker, B. Kozinsky, and J. Aizenberg, "Flexible fluid-based encapsulation platform for water-sensitive materials," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (34), e2308804120-8 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    7. Medina, E., C.H. Rycroft, and K. Bertoldi, "Nonlinear shape optimization of flexible mechanical metamaterials," Extreme Mechanics Letters 61, 102015-11 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Peters, M.M., J.K. Brister, E.M. Tang, F.W. Zhang, V.M. Lucian, P.D. Trackey, Z. Bone, J.F. Zimmerman, Q. Jin, F.J. Burpo, and K.K. Parker, "Self-organizing behaviors of cardiovascular cells on synthetic nanofiber scaffolds," APL Bioengineering 7 (4), 046114-12 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
  2. Partial MRSEC support (IRG1)

    1. Chaudhary, G., L. Niu, Q. Han, M. Lewicka, and L. Mahadevan, "Geometric mechanics of ordered and disordered kirigami," Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479 (2274), 20220822-17 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window
    2. Dudte, L.H., G.P.Choi, K.P. Becker, and L. Mahadevan, "An additive framework for kirigami design," Nature Computational Science 3 (5), 443-454 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on Zenodo in new window
    3. Liu, H., M. Kollosche, S. Laflamme, and D.R. Clarke, "Multifunctional soft stretchable strain sensor for complementary optical and electrical sensing of fatigue cracks," Smart Materials and Structures 32 (4), 045010-15 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Motta, S.E., M.M. Peters, C.O. Chantre, H. Chang, L. Cera, Q. Liu, E.M. Cordoves, E.S. Fioretta, P. Zaytseva, N. Cesarovic, M.Y. Emmert, S.P. Hoerstrup, and K.K. Parker, "On-demand heart valve manufacturing using focused rotary jet spinning," Matter 6 (6), 1860-1879 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    5. Patel, H., I. Pavlichenko, A. Grinthal, C.T. Zhang, J. Alvarenga, M.J. Kreder, J.C. Weaver, Q. Ji, C.W. Ling, J. Choy, Z. Li, N.L. Black, P.J.M. Bispo, J.A. Lewis, E.D. Kozin, and J. Aizenberg, "Design of medical tympanostomy conduits with selective fluid transport properties," Science Translational Medicine 15 (690), eadd9779-13 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    6. Román-Manso, B., R.D. Weeks, R.L. Truby, and J.A. Lewis, "Embedded 3D printing of architected ceramics via microwave-activated polymerization," Advanced Materials 35 (15), 2209270-10 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    7. Saintyves, B., R. Pic, L. Mahadevan, and I. Bischofberger, "Evaporation-driven cellular patterns in confined hyperelastic hydrogels," Physical Review Letters 131 (11), 118202-7 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Verheyen, C.A., S.G.M. Uzel, A. Kurum, E.T. Roche, and J.A. Lewis, "Integrated data-driven modeling and experimental optimization of granular hydrogel matrices," Matter 6, 1-22 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window Code is available on Zenodo in new window

IRG 2: Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Mechanically Soft Systems

  1. Primary MRSEC support (IRG2)

    1. Bao, X., G. Nian, Y. Kutsovsky, J. Kim, Q. Jiao, and Z. Suo, "Low-intensity mixing process of high molecular weight polymer chains leads to elastomers of long network strands and high fatigue threshold," Soft Matter 19 (31), 5956-5966 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    2. Battat, S., A.A. Nagarkar, F. Spaepen, D.A. Weitz, and G.M. Whitesides, "Kinetics of formation of a macroscale binary Coulombic material," Physical Review Materials 7 (4), L040401-17 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    3. Battat, S., D.A. Weitz, and G.M. Whitesides, "Melting of a macroscale binary Coulombic crystal," Soft Matter 19, 3190-3198 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Kadoma, A., Q. Jiao, J.J. Vlassak, and Z. Suo, "Hydrolytic crack growth and embrittlement in poly(ethylene terephthalate)," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 176, 105303-12 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window
    5. Shi, M., Q. Jiao, T. Yin, J.J. Vlassak, and Z. Suo, "Hydrolysis embrittles poly(lactic acid)," MRS Bulletin 48, 45-55 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    6. Steck, J., S. Hassan, and Z. Suo, "Fracture initiated from corners in brittle soft materials," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 170, 105115-14 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    7. Steck, J., J. Kim, Y. Kutsovsky, and Z. Suo, "Multiscale stress deconcentration amplifies fatigue resistance of rubber," Nature 624 (7991), 303-308 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Sun, J.H., A. Plummer, G.H. Zhang, D.R. Nelson, and V.N. Manoharan, "Geometric frustration of hard-disk packings on cones," Physical Review E 108 (5), 054608 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on Harvard Dataverse in new window Code is available on GitHub in new window
    9. Sun, S., N. Xue, S. Aime, H. Kim, J. Tang, G.H. McKinley, H.A. Stone, and D.A. Weitz, "Anomalous crystalline ordering of particles in a viscoelastic fluid under high shear," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, 2304272120-12 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on Harvard Dataverse in new window
    10. Svetlizky, I., S. Kim, D.A. Weitz, and F. Spaepen, "Dislocation interactions during plastic relaxation of epitaxial colloidal crystals," Nature Communications 14 (1), 5760-10 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
  2. Partial MRSEC support (IRG2)

    1. de Wit, M. Xander, A.W. Paine, C. Martin, A.M. Goldfain, R.F. Garmann, and V.N. Manoharan, "Precise characterization of nanometer-scale systems using interferometric scattering microscopy and Bayesian analysis," Applied Optics 62 (27), 7205-15 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on Harvard Dataverse in new window Code is available on GitHub in new window
    2. Foster, P.J., J. Bae, B. Lemma, J. Zheng, W. Ireland, P. Chandrakar, R. Boros, Z. Dogic, D.J. Needleman, and J.J. Vlassak, "Dissipation and energy propagation across scales in an active cytoskeletal material," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (14), e2207662120-8 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window
    3. Hao, S., Z. Suo, and R. Huang, "Why does an elastomer layer confined between two rigid blocks grow numerous cavities?" Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 173, 105223-9 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Hassan, S., J. Steck, and Z. Suo, "Elastic fields at corners of highly stretchable materials are concentrated but bounded," Rubber Chemistry and Technology 96 (4), 478-488 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    5. Kim, J.H., W.S. Song, Q. Jiao, and J.J. Vlassak, "Stress-corrosion cracking of polypropylene in harsh oxidizing environments," Extreme Mechanics Letters 64, 102080-10 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window
    6. Kimchi, O., E.M. King, and M.P. Brenner, "Uncovering the mechanism for aggregation in repeat expanded RNA reveals a reentrant transition," Nature Communications 14 (1), 332-9 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window
    7. Kusters, G.L., G. Zhang, Z. Chen, and Z. Suo, "Amphiphilic monomers bridge hydrophobic polymers and water," Soft Matter 19 (48), 9489-9495 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Lahini, Y., S.M. Rubinstein, and A. Amir, "Crackling noise during slow relaxations in crumpled sheets," Physical Review Letters 130 (25), 258201-5 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    9. Musaelian, A., S. Batzner, A. Johansson, L. Sun, C.J. Owen, M. Kornbluth, and B. Kozinsky, "Learning local equivariant representations for large-scale atomistic dynamics," Nature Communications 14 (579), 1-15 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    10. Rosenthal, R.G., X.D. Zhang, K.I. Durdic, J.J. Collins, and D.A. Weitz, "Controlled continuous evolution of enzymatic activity screened at ultrahigh throughput using drop-based microfluidics," Angewandte Chemie 62, 202303112-8 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    11. Shi, M., J. Kim, G. Nian, and Z. Suo, "Highly entangled hydrogels with degradable crosslinks," Extreme Mechanics Letters 59, 101953-7 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    12. Wang, Y., G. Nian, J. Kim, and Z. Suo, "Polyacrylamide hydrogels. VI. Synthesis-property relation," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 170, 105099-13 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    13. Xiao, Y., C. Yang, X. Zhai, L. Zhao, P. Zhao, J. Ruan, D. Chen, D.A. Weitz, and K. Liu, "Bioinspired tough and strong fibers with hierarchical core-shell structure," Advanced Materials Interfaces 10 (2), 2201962-9 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    14. Xie, Y., J. Vandermause, S. Ramakers, N.H. Protik, A. Johansson, and B. Kozinsky, "Uncertainty-aware molecular dynamics from Bayesian active learning for phase transformations and thermal transport in SiC," npj Computational Materials 9 (36), 1-8 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window Code is available on Zenodo in new window
    15. Zhang, G., J. Steck, J. Kim, C.H. Ahn, and Z. Suo, "Hydrogels of arrested phase separation simultaneously achieve high strength and low hysteresis," Science Advances 9 (26), eadh7742-7 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    16. Zhang, J.-L, U. Hochberg, F.E. Rockwell, A. Ponomarenko, Y.-J. Chen, A. Manandhar, A.C. Graham, and N.M. Holbrook, "Xylem conduit deformation across vascular plants: An evolutionary spandrel or protective valve?" New Phytologist 237 (4), 1242-1255 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    17. Zhang, G., Z. Chen, C.H. Ahn, and Z. Suo, "Conducting polymer coatings prepared by mixed emulsions are highly conductive and stable in water," Advanced Materials 36 (13), 2306960 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    18. Zhu, A., S. Batzner, A. Musaelian, and B. Kozinsky, "Fast uncertainty estimates in deep learning interatomic potentials," The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (16), 164111-9 (2023) open doi in new window open doi in new window open pdf in new window and Code is available on GitHub in new window Code is available on figshare in new window


  1. Primary MRSEC support (Seed Projects)

    1. Tringides, C.M., M. Boulingre, A. Khalil, T. Lungjangwa, R. Jaenisch, and D.J. Mooney, "Tunable conductive hydrogel scaffolds for neural cell differentiation," Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (7), 2202221-16 (2023) open doi in new window open pdf in new window