Education and Career Development in the Research Community
Partnership in Research and Education in Materials (PREM)
The MRSEC at Harvard is a partner with the University of New Mexico PREM and the Navajo Technical University PREM in a new NSF Partnership in Research and Education in Materials.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Our REU program strives to encourage the next generation of materials science and engineering researchers to continue in their careers. Students are part of a larger community of REU students and mentors through our joint REU activities.

Industrial Research Internships
Graduate and undergraduate students may also work on research projects with our industrial partners. This is an opportunity for students to participate in cooperative research in an industrial environment.
Course Development
Graduate and advanced undergraduate students may participate in Innovation in Science and Engineering: Conference Course (ENG-SCI 139), an interdisciplinary graduate survey course of ongoing research at the Center.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Professional Development
Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers participate in our many educational activities, from mentoring REU students, and collaborating with RET participants, to developing and delivering interactive science presentations for the public and K-12 students.
Women Postdoctoral Networking and Professional Development
A prestigious postdoctoral Fellowship program for women and minorities is designed to build community and to provide professional development opportunities for women postdoctoral researchers in materials science.