About the Harvard MRSEC

The Harvard MRSEC is solely funded by the National Science Foundation, and has two interdisciplinary research groups: IRG I: Programmable Multiscale and Multi-Material Control of Functional Matter, IRG II: Non-Equilibrium Phenomena in Mechanically Soft Systems. The Harvard MRSEC also supports Seed Projects to enable rapid response to emerging discoveries.

Our faculty member researchers and associated researchers work in each interdisciplinary research area, and publish in various scientific journals numerous discoveries and findings into Harvard MRSEC publications that are cited by global researchers to further research and development.

The MRSEC Executive Committe and MRSEC Advisory Board, listed below, lead our research areas to foster a culture of innovation, including the development of intellectual property; entrepreneurship that explores commercialization opportunities; and, innovative education opportunities to facilitate learning in various methods.

MRSEC Executive Committee, 2024–2025
Jennifer Lewis SEAS Director
Katia Bertoldi SEAS Associate Director, IRG 1 Lead
Robert L. Graham SEAS Assistant Director
Kathryn Hollar SEAS Education, Outreach, and Diversity Lead
David R. Nelson Physics & SEAS IRG 2 Co-Lead
Frans Spaepen SEAS IRG 2 Lead
David A. Weitz SEAS & Physics Industrial Outreach Lead
Fawwaz Habbal (ex officio) SEAS Executive Dean of Research, SEAS

MRSEC Advisory Board, 2024–2025
George Crabtree Argonne National Laboratories
Catherine T. Hunt University of Virginia
Gabriel P. Lopez University of New Mexico
Monica Olvera De La Cruz Northwestern University
Christopher M. Spadaccini Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Arjun Yodh University of Pennsylvania