Harvard MRSEC Publications, 2021 (DMR-2011754)

IRG 1: Programmed Multiscale and Multi-Material Control of Functional Soft Matter

  1. Primary MRSEC support (IRG1)

    1. Chortos, A., J. Mao, J. Mueller, E. Hajiesmaili, J.A. Lewis, and D.R. Clarke, "Printing reconfigurable bundles of dielectric elastomer fibers," Advanced Functional Materials 31 (22), 2010643-10 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    2. Clarke, D.R. and J.W. Hutchinson, "On the electro-mechanical stability of elastomeric coaxial fibers," Journal of Applied Mechanics 88 (6), 061005-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    3. Hajiesmaili, E. and D.R. Clarke, "Dielectric elastomer actuators," Journal of Applied Physics 129 (15), 151102-38 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Hwang, V., A.B. Stephenson, S. Barkley, S. Brandt, M. Xiao, J. Aizenberg, and V.N. Manoharan, "Designing angle-independent structural colors using Monte Carlo simulations of multiple scattering," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118 (4), e2015551118-10 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    5. Li, S., B. Deng, A. Grinthal, A. Schneider-Yamamura, J. Kang, R.S. Martens, C.T. Zhang, J. Li, S. Yu, K. Bertoldi, and J. Aizenberg, "Liquid-induced topological transformations of cellular microstructures," Nature 592, 386-391 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    6. Li, S., G. Librandi, Y. Yao, A.J. Richard, A. Schneider-Yamamura, J. Aizenberg, and K. Bertoldi, "Controlling liquid crystal orientations for programmable anisotropic transformations in cellular microstructures," Advanced Materials 33 (42), 2105024-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    7. Mueller, J., J.A. Lewis, and K. Bertoldi, "Architected multimaterial lattices with thermally programmable mechanical response," Advanced Functional Materials 32 (1), 2105128-10 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Wang, Y., T. Yin, and Z. Suo, "Polyacrylamide hydrogels. III. Lap shear and peel," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 150, 104348-9 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    9. Zareei, A., E. Medina, and K. Bertoldi, "Harnessing mechanical deformation to reduce spherical aberration in soft lenses," Physical Review Letters 126 (8), 084301-6 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
  2. Partial MRSEC support (IRG1)

    1. Chakrabarti, A., S. Al-Mosleh, and L. Mahadevan, "Instabilities and patterns in a submerged jelling jet," Soft Matter 17 (42), 9745-9754 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    2. Chakrabarti, A., T. Michaels, E. Sun, S. Yin, and L. Mahadevan, "The cusp of the apple," Nature Physics 17, 1125-1129 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    3. Charoen-Rajapark, P. and D.R. Clarke, "Confocal microscopy observations of electrical pre-breakdown of bi-layer elastomer dielectrics," Extreme Mechanics Letters 49, 101473-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Chaudhary, G., S. Ganga Prasath, E. Soucy, and L. Mahadevan, "Totimorphic assemblies from neutrally stable units," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118 (42), e2107003118-16 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    5. Deng, B., J. Li, V. Tournat, P.K. Purohit, and K. Bertoldi, "Dynamics of mechanical metamaterials: A framework to connect phonons, nonlinear periodic waves and solitons," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 147, 104233-17 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    6. Dudte, L.H., G.P.T. Choi, and L. Mahadevan, "An additive algorithm for origami design," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118 (21), e2019241118-7 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    7. Fernandes, M.C., M. Saadat, P. Cauchy-Dubois, C. Inamura, T. Sirota, G. Milliron, H. Haj-Hariri, K. Bertoldi, and J.C. Weaver, "Mechanical and hydrodynamic analyses of helical strake-like ridges in a glass sponge," Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (182), 20210559-14 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Jin, L., A.E. Forte, and K. Bertoldi, "Mechanical valves for on-board flow control of inflatable robots," Advanced Science 8 (3), 2101941-8 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    9. Kotikian, A., J.M. Morales, A. Lu, J. Mueller, Z.S. Davidson, J.W. Boley, and J.A. Lewis, "Innervated, self-sensing liquid crystal elastomer actuators with closed loop control," Advanced Materials 33 (27), 2101814-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    10. Librandi, G., E. Tubaldi, and K. Bertoldi, "Programming nonreciprocity and reversibility in multistable mechanical metamaterials," Nature Communications 12 (1), 3454-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    11. Memet, E., F. Hilitski, Z. Dogic, and L. Mahadevan, "Static adhesion hysteresis in elastic structures," Soft Matter 17 (10), 2704-2710 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    12. Mhatre, S., E. Boatti, D. Melancon, A. Zareei, M. Dupont, M. Bechthold, and K. Bertoldi, "Deployable structures based on buckling of curved beams upon a rotational input," Advanced Functional Materials 31 (35), 2101144-7 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    13. Michaels, T.C.T., R. Kusters, and L. Mahadevan, "Puckering and wrinkling in a growing composite ring," Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2248), 20200999-5 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    14. Nagarkar, A., W.-K. Lee, D.J. Preston, M.P. Nemitz, N.-N. Deng, G.M. Whitesides, and L. Mahadevan, "Elastic-instability-enabled locomotion," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (8), e2013801118-4 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    15. Yao, X., B. Chen, X.P. Morelle, and Z. Suo, "Anti-icing propylene-glycol materials," Extreme Mechanics Letters 44, 101225-8 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window

IRG 2: Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Mechanically Soft Systems

  1. Primary MRSEC support (IRG2)

    1. Hanakata, P.Z., S.S. Bhabesh, M.J. Bowick, D.R. Nelson, and D. Yllanes, "Thermal buckling and symmetry breaking in thin ribbons under compression," Extreme Mechanics Letters 44, 101270-12 (2021) open url in new window open url in new window open pdf in new window
    2. Jiao, Q., M. Shi, T. Yin, Z. Suo, and J.J. Vlassak, "Composites retard hydrolytic crack growth," Extreme Mechanics Letters 48, 101433-6 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    3. Li, L., C. Goodrich, H. Yang, K.R. Phillips, Z. Jia, H. Chen, L. Wang. J. Zhong, A. Liu, J. Lu, J. Shuai, M.P. Brenner, F. Spaepen, and J. Aizenberg, "Microscopic origins of the crystallographically preferred growth in evaporation-induced colloidal crystals," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118 (32), e2107588118-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Shankar, S. and D.R. Nelson, "Thermalized buckling of isotropically compressed thin sheets," Physical Review E 104 (5), 054141-31 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    5. Song, C., B. Chen, J. Hwang, S. Lee, Z Suo, and H. Ahn, "A printed highly stretchable supercapacitor by a combination of carbon ink and polymer network," Extreme Mechanics Letters 49, 101459-6 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    6. Wang, Y., G. Nian, X. Yang, and Z. Suo, "Lap shear of a soft and elastic adhesive," Mechanics of Materials 158, 103845-5 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    7. Wang, Y., S. Xie, Y. Bai, Z. Suo, and K. Jia, "Transduction between magnets and ions," Materials Horizons 8 (7), 1959-1965 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Zhang, G., T. Yin, G. Nian, and Z. Suo, "Fatigue-resistant polyurethane elastomer composites," Extreme Mechanics Letters 48, 101434-6 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    9. Zhang, G.H. and D.R. Nelson, "Phonon eigenfunctions of inhomogeneous lattices: Can you hear the shape of a cone?," Physical Review E 104 (6), 065005-20 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    10. Zhang, G.H. and D.R. Nelson, "Statistical mechanics of dislocation pileups in two dimensions," Physical Review E 103 (2), 022139-21 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
  2. Partial MRSEC support (IRG2)

    1. Aime, S., M. Sabato, L. Xiao, and D.A. Weitz, "Dynamic speckle holography," Physical Review Letters 127 (8), 088003-5 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    2. Bae, J., J. Zheng, H. Zhang, P.J. Foster, D.J. Needleman, and J.J. Vlassak, "A micromachined picocalorimeter sensor for liquid samples with application to chemical reactions and biochemistry," Advanced Science 8 (5), 2003415-11 (2021) open doi in new window open pdf in new window
    3. Duraj-Thatte, A.M., A. Manjula-Basavanna, J. Rutledge, J. Xia, S. Hassan, A. Sourlis, A.G. Rubio, A. Lesha, M. Zenkl, A. Kan, D.A. Weitz, Y.S. Zhang, and N.S. Joshi, "Programmable microbial ink for 3D printing of living materials produced from genetically engineered protein nanofibers," Nature Communications 12 (6600), 1-8 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Gersony, J.T., A. McClelland, and N.M. Holbrook, "Raman spectroscopy reveals high phloem sugar content in leaves of canopy red oak trees," New Phytologist 232 (1), 418-424 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    5. Giometto, A., D.R. Nelson, and A.W. Murray, "Antagonism between killer yeast strains as an experimental model for biological nucleation dynamics," eLife 10, e62932-31 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    6. Goodrich, C.P., E.M. King, S.S. Schoenholz, E.D. Cubuk, and M.P. Brenner, "Designing self-assembling kinetics with differentiable statistical physics models," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118 (10), e2024083118-7 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    7. Kim, J., G. Zhang, M. Shi, and Z. Suo, "Fracture, fatigue, and friction of polymers in which entanglements greatly outnumber cross-links," Science 374 (6564), 212-216 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    8. Ostilla-Mónico, R., R. McKeown, M.P. Brenner, S.M. Rubinstein, and A. Pumir, "Cascades and reconnection in interacting vortex filaments," Physical Review Fluids 6 (7), 074701-21 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    9. Root, S.E., D.J. Preston, G.O. Feifke, H. Wallace, R.M. Alcoran, M.P. Nemitz, J.A. Tracz, and G.M. Whitesides, "Bio-inspired design of soft mechanisms using a toroidal hydrostat," Cell Reports Physical Science 2 (9), 100572-12 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    10. Shiba, K., G, Li, E. Virot, G. Yoshikawa, and D.A. Weitz, "Microchannel measurements of viscosity for both gases and liquids," Lab on a Chip 21 (14), 2805-2811 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    11. Xia, J., L.H. Cai, H. Wu, F.C. MacKintosh, and D.A. Weitz, "Anomalous mechanics of Zn2+-modified fibrin networks," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 118 (10), e2020541118-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    12. Yang, H., M. Ji, M. Yang, M. Shi, Y. Pan, Zhou, H.J. Qi, Z. Suo, and J. Tang, "Fabricating hydrogels to mimic biological tissues of complex shapes and high fatigue resistance," Matter 4 (6), 1935-1946 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    13. Yang, X., J. Steck, J. Yang, Y. Wang, and Z. Suo, "Degradable plastics are vulnerable to cracks," Engineering 7 (5), 624-629 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    14. Yin, T., S.R. Lavoie, S. Qu, and Z. Suo, "Photoinitiator-grafted polymer chains for integrating hydrogels with various materials," Cell Reports Physical Science 2 (6), 100463-12 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    15. Yin, T., G. Zhang, S. Qu, and Z. Suo, "Peel of elastomers of various thicknesses and widths," Extreme Mechanics Letters 46, 101325-5 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window

Seeds / Initiatives

  1. Primary MRSEC support (Seeds / Initiatives)

    1. Tanjeem, N., W.H. Wilkin, D.A. Beller, C.H. Rycroft, and V.N. Manoharan, "Geometrical frustration and defect formation in growth of colloidal nanoparticle crystals on a cylinder: Implications for assembly of chiral nanomaterials," ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (10), 10682-10691 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
  2. Partial MRSEC support (Seeds / Initiatives)

    1. Guo, Y. and A. Amir, "Exploring the effect of network topology, mRNA and protein dynamics on gene regulatory network stability," Nature Communications 12, (130), 1-10 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    2. Martin, C., B. Leahy, and V.N. Manoharan, "Improving holographic particle characterization by modeling spherical aberration," Optics Express 29 (12), 18212-18223 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    3. Parsa, S., A. Zareei, E. Santanach-Carreras, E.J. Morris, A. Amir, L. Xiao, and D.A. Weitz, "Unexpected scaling of interstitial velocities with permeability due to polymer retention in porous media," Physical Review Fluids 6 (8), L082302-9 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window
    4. Xiao, M., A.B. Stephenson, A. Neophytou, V. Hwang, D. Chakrabarti, and V.N. Manoharan, "Investigating the trade-off between color saturation and angle-independence in photonic glasses," Optics Express 29 (14), 21212-21224 (2021) open url in new window open pdf in new window