First-ever NSF-MRSEC Science Slam

Harvard MRSEC's Sarah Battat presents: "Shake, Charge, and Nucleate!"
January 28, 2022
The NSF Division of Materials Science and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Program were proud to present a first-ever MRSEC Science Slam on Friday, January 28, 2022. With participants from all 19 MRSECs, including the Harvard MRSEC's Sarah Battat, the Science Slam featured five-minute long slams on a research highlight or unique broader impact accomplishment where creativity is key!
We are delighted to post her Shake, Charge, and Nucleate! presentation.
Co-chaired by: Paul Voyles (Wisconsin), Nadya Mason (UIUC)
It was supported in part by the Harvard University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), under grant DMR-2011754 from the National Science Foundation.