Martin and Friend are
developing chemical tools for shaping interfaces on length scales ranging
from nanometers to
microns, and is attempting to understand the underlying chemical mechanisms
to allow him to
combine fundamental shapes into complex structures. He
investigated heterogeneous nucleation of manganese oxide on carbonate
to understand how substrate morphology affects the occurrence,
directionality, and spatial distribution of the heterogeneous nucleation
of manganese
oxide on carbonate minerals. Flat {10 4}
MnCO3 (rhodochrosite)
surfaces were imaged in situ using a fluid cell on an atomic force
(AFM) under oxygen saturated solutions at circumneutral pH. Precipitates
grow by rhombohedral heterogeneous nucleation and coalescence of
nuclei. The precipitate shape is roughly rhombohedral with inner
angles distorted by ca. 9° (67.97° and 112.03°) from
typical carbonate structure (77.01° and 102.89°). Precipitates
grow with 90° rotation relative to the crystallographic axis
of substrate (Fig. 1). The angles of precipitates
are independent of pH at circumneutral values. Growth of the precipitates
to be self-limited in the z-direction as the manganese oxide structures
consistently form mesas with thickness of 2.37 nm. Slow dissolution
pits that form with the onset of precipitates provide evidence
of mass exchange from the substrate to the heteroepitaxial structures.
Observations of pit morphology over time indicate surface dissolution
proceeds by step retreat and pit expansion (Figs. 1 A,B,C).
His results support the approach of tailoring the construction
of interfaces
by exploiting aqueous chemistry and its effects on precipitation.
Assembly of structures by these methods could have important biomedical
applications to construct functional assemblages in situ on bone
material, leading to a new kind of noninvasive surgery. Another
important application could be to the development of sublithographic
computing systems.
Gordon and Marcus discovered the first reaction known
for ALD of vanadium(III) oxide, V2O3. It uses vanadium(IV) chloride,
VCl4, vapor and water vapor, alternately supplied to a substrate surface
heated to around 300 C. They determined stoichiometry of the V2O3
film by Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS). Its X-ray diffraction
pattern agreed with the known phase of bulk V2O3 (Fig. 2) .
This reaction did not, however, produce the uniformly thick films
expected from an ALD process. The work of this seed has resulted in
the formation of a startup company, Cambridge
Nanotech, Inc., and some of the technology has been successfully
transferred to it. The company currently employs several people. This
project will not be continued with MRSEC funding.
To take advantage of the arrival of several new faculty members
at Harvard, and to further evolve the direction of the
Harvard MRSEC towards
science of biology, we established a new seed project. We expect
that this seed project may well evolve into a full IRG,
which will allow
the direction and content of the Harvard MRSEC to evolve into
new areas.
The new seed IRG focuses on understanding the collective
behavior of active material and biological systems at
the single cell and
level. Since the environment of life is the material world,
it poses constraints on what is possible and proffers advantages
to those
who can exploit it. The goal of this IRG is to understand
active non-equilibrium
systems that respond to and modify the environment around
them. Thus the systems to be investigated include both plant
animal systems
that can remodel and adapt themselves to the material environment.
IRG members will use experimental and theoretical tools to
relate structure to function. The aim in studying these systems
is to
understand how
mimic them artificially and harness the exquisite molecular
and genetic control present in natural biological systems. The IRG will investigate the mesoscopic theory of cell
motility and tissue aggregation. We are beginning to
understand how single
forces. However, since the single cell is the simplest viable
entity we have to understand how to scale up from the
single molecule
to thousands of them. This involves thinking about collective
phenomena in which
only a few coarse-grained variables are important. From a
materials perspective,
many intriguing questions are raised by the transduction
of chemical energy to mechanical work on a collective level,
the role of
the material environment in determining the actual motion,
and the
basis for the remodeling of the internal cytoskeleton in
response to
external cues.
The IRG will also investigate the origin and control of spatio-temporal
patterns in active biomaterial systems. Just as many modern
materials are hierarchical structures optimized for function,
so are there
biological counterparts. While it is clear that genetic
information s crucial
in controlling complex programs in such situations as morphogenesis
leads to structures on a range of length scales, experiments
also show that the patterns are often quite robust and
seemingly independent
of molecular details, at least in certain regimes. Important
materials-related questions include the role of the environment
in pattern formation
substrates, boundaries), the physico-chemical basis for
the generation of length scales and the kinetics of evolution,
and the coupling
genetic signaling pathways and the physical process of
pattern formation.
Organismal physiology and the material environment will
also be a topic investigated by the IRG. Going up to
the level
of whole
physical and material constraints provide the boundaries
within which plants and
animals must operate as they vie with each other to exploit
their environment.
Integrating cellular responses to understand the motion
of whole organisms represents a challenge in both the
biological and the
material context.
Indeed, many functional material designs may have much
learn from whole organism biology in questions associated
with growth,
adhesion and locomotion.
All plant cells are surrounded by a stiff extracellular
cell wall. The plant cell wall is a complex composite material whose
major components are a dense network of cellulose microfibrils, cross-linking
glycans, structural and regulatory proteins, and a pectin matrix. The
specific organization of these molecular components confers to the cell
wall exceptional properties such as a high mechanical anisotropy, potential
for extensive plastic deformation, and a variable material stiffness
that can be modulated by pH or enzymes. Thus, the plant cell wall is
a material whose range of behavior exceeds by far those of classical
engineering materials. Dumais, Zwieniecki and Mahadevan will collaborate
to understand how specific structural features of the wall determine
its material properties, to determine structure-property relationships
for the cell wall of the giant unicellular alga Nitella.
Water transport systems in plants can autonomously
control hydraulic resistance of the pathway in response
to ionic
concentration of the fluid. While water passes through
the system, it crosses
membranes impregnated with pectin-based hydrogels
that show a
swelling-deswelling behavior in response to ion concentration
in the circulating fluid.
The fast response time is achieved by minimizing
diffusion distances within
the hydrogel. Mahadevan will lead
an effort with
Dumais and Zwieniecki to characterize
the biophysical properties of
cellulose membranes
and the dynamic changes of membrane porosity in response
to fluid quality.
They will use cryo-SEM and ESEM. They will also do
experiments to
fabrication microfluidic systems using soft lithography
utilizing properties of
hydrogel to controlfluxes. This will explore the
between the tree fluid-handling
system and microfluidics fluid system.
The nematode C. elegans is a well-established model
organism for genetics and developmental biology,
and an increasingly
important model organism
for neurobiology. But the worm’s potential as a powerful model
organism for whole organism biomechanics and as an active (muscular)
material system is untapped. Mahadevan and Samuel propose
to develop the worm, a biomechanical system with
extraordinary functionality, as
a tractable experimental system for reverse materials
engineering and behavioral studies. The worm moves
in snake-like undulations that enable
it to swim through fluids, reptate through granular
or visco-elastic material, bore through solids,
and crawl on solid surfaces. These motions
are powered by rhythmic contraction and relaxation
of 82 muscle cells that line its ventral and dorsal
sides. The worm does not independently
drive the activity of each muscle cell. Instead,
the worm initiates spatial and temporal patterns
of muscular activity that generate its stereotyped
snakelike body movements. During forward movement,
bending waves travel
from nose to tail. But the worm is also capable
of reorienting itself through sharp turns and reversals.
By controlling the parameters of these
movements in response to the material properties
of its environment through mechanosensory and proprioceptive
feedback, the worm selects and maintains
an optimal gait defined by the wavelength, amplitude,
and frequency of its undulations. Mahadevan and Samuel will
explore the connection between a worm’s mechanical environment and its strategy for locomotion.
This understanding will be used to determine other methods to create
mechanical structures that can move in a similar fashion.
This new IRG
will complement the work in IRG2, which focuses
on the development of tools and techniques at the scale of a single
cell, to study the mechanical
properties of biological systems at the cellular
level. Members of the new IRG include:
- J. Dumais, Assistant Professor, OEB: Cellular
aspects of plant morphogenesis.
- L. Mahadevan, Professor, DEAS and OEB: Applied
mathematics, mechanics.
- K. Parker, Assistant Professor,
DEAS: Cardiac cell and tissue engineering.
- A. Samuel, Assistant
Professor, Physics: Neurobiology of
- Maciej Zwieniecki (Sargent
Fellow at the Arnold Arboretum):
Plant hydraulics.
Of course, the new IRG envisages interactions
with other members of the faculty including,
but not
necessarily limited to the
following: M. Brenner
(DEAS), D. Fisher (Physics/DEAS), M. Holbrook
(OEB), T. Mitchison (HMS),
D. Mooney (DEAS), D. Nelson (Physics/DEAS),
H. Stone (DEAS), Z. Suo (DEAS), D. Weitz (DEAS/Physics),