Frontiers in Soft Condensed Matter Workshop
Tom Lubensky Biography
Parallel to this work, Tom and Brooks Harris, explored the effect of quenched disorder on phase transitions. He was the first to use the epsilon expansion to study the critical behavior of spin models with disorder, an analysis which led to the study of percolation, spin glasses, and random resistor networks. Tom branched out into the study of random walks and in particular, into branched polymers. With collaborators, he developed a deep connection between Anderson localization, the Yang-Lee edge singularity and branched polymers, and predicted exponents which are now known to be exact. When quasicrystals hit the scene, Tom was there, developing the descriptions of their elasticity, topological defects, and hydrodynamics. He and collaborators also elucidated the difference between pinned and unpinned phasons and the role of quenched phason strain in determining structure. The connection between symmetries, order parameters, dynamics and structure is an essential ingredient in Tom’s style. Working with Scot Renn, Tom predicted that chiral smectic liquid crystals could exhibit a phase, analogous to an Abrikosov vortex lattice in superconductors. In this so-called twist-grain-boundary (TGB) phase, there is a periodic array of grain boundaries - each consisting of a parallel array of screw dislocations - separating layered smectic slabs whose layer normals rotate in jumps across the grain boundaries. Goodby and collaborators subsequently discovered the TGB phase. Literally hundreds of compounds exhibit TGB phases and TGB has become a standard part of the liquid crystal nomenclature. His interest in chirality at the macroscopic level grew into work with collaborators on the microscopic of origin of chirality. Going beyond simple symmetry arguments, they related macroscopic chiral properties to microscopic structure. Tom is not one to rest on his laurels. He has proposed a new state of matter, the “sliding phase” to interpret experiments on DNA-lipid complexes, has studied the theory of liquid crystalline elastomers, and has begun work on granular gases composed of chiral constituents. Tom has always worked closely with experiment and experimentalists, often instigating new work and new fields. His masterful and comprehensive book with Chaikin has provided the field of soft matter with a definitive source of knowledge (and homework problems)! Among Tom’s major awards are a Sloan Fellowship (1975) and a Guggenheim Fellowship (1981), election to both the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2000) and the National Academy of Sciences (2002), and the Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society (2004).