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Industrial Internship Program


Summer 2006 Industrial InternshipThe Center announces an internship program for undergraduates and graduate students in the fields of engineering, materials science, chemistry, physics, biology, or geology to work on research projects with our industrial partners. This is a unique opportunity for students to participate in cooperative research, work with industrial research environment.

The Center has active collaborations with industry drawn from the major areas of our interdisciplinary research focus including (i) micromechanical systems; (ii) engineering interfaces between synthetic and biological systems; and (iii) electronic microsystems. Selected students will receive a stipend to work on their research project during the summer.


For more information about this program, contact:

Kathryn Hollar
Director of Educational Programs
Pierce Hall Room 206A
29 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel.:(617) 496–7479
Fax:(617) 495–2875
E-mail: hollar@deas.harvard.edu

Last Modified November 10, 2005