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Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program

Many undergraduates get their first exposure to science and engineering by participating in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Each REU project is designed to involve the student in all aspects of research and has a clearly identifiable research goal at a level appropriate for undergraduate study. This program is subscribed by undergraduates from across the country. Applications and transcripts are due February 28, 2010 and selection of the summer students proceeds with Center faculty through April. With direction from a faculty advisor and, in most cases, a postdoctoral fellow or graduate student, the REU student defines and sets up the program necessary to accomplish the ten-week summer project. A presentation of their research is made by each student at the "end-of-summer" seminar attended by Center faculty, student mentors, and fellow REU students.

The tentative summer 2010 program dates are June 6 to August 14.

Apply for the REU program at www.reusite.seas.harvard.edu/application

For more information about past projects and participants, please visit www.eduprograms.seas.harvard.edu/reu.htm

For more information about this program, contact Kathryn Hollar, Director of Educational Programs, at:

Pierce Hall Room 185
29 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel.:(617) 496–7479
Fax:(617) 812-0760
E-mail: hollar(at)seas.harvard.edu

Last Modified January 10, 2010